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Hidden Image

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Hidden Image
Author: Jiří David
Category:Books, Photography, Art
Language: English and Czech
Translation: Karolina Dolanská, Miroslav Petříček jr., Tamara Bissell
Page count: 240
Binding: Hbk
Ilustration: foto Martin a Petr Polákovi
ISBN: 80-901903-1-6
EAN: 9788090190313
Date: 1995
Issue number: 1
Price: 36 EUR
Size: 23 x 34 cm

A representative publication, published on the occasion of an exhibition in Rudolfinum, summarizing the results of Jiří David´s project. In the course of the couple of years the author have asked a number of famous politicians, artists and athletes to give over the images of their faces - to let him portray them. Subsequently, he matched mechanically two right, respectively left halves of the face two brand new images, perfectly symmetrical and unlike. Among the portrayed personalities we find e.g. Václav Havel, Václav Klaus, Butrus Butrus-Gháli, Norman Mailer, or Boris Becker. The book is closed by a few images that were, as the portreyed ones are not living anymore, created from already existing photographs. In the texts that introduce the book is the whole project explicated by philosophers J. Derrida and V. Bělohradský and art historians M. Dostál and H. Kontová.